Creative Blogger Award


Hello lovelies!

I'm so sorry that I haven't been blogging recently, I've been super busy with my sister's birthday and revision and exams and coming up!

However lovely Chloe from at nominated me for the Creative Blogger Award. I am so grateful for this award. Thankyou to Chloe for nominating me.

So how this work is you thank the person who nominated you and add their blog link. Next you share 5 facts about yourself and then nominate 10 other people and add their bloglinks.You also have to notify the nominees that you have nominated them.  Pass the rules along.

My 5 Facts 

1. I am addicted to pasta. I could eat it all day if I could. 
2. I love reading. 
3. I love working with children.
4. I am addicted to the TV Shows; Empire, Full House and Gossip Girl! I recommend you check them all out!

5. I'm a sucker for a good cup of tea or hot chocolate!

I nominate:

Alice - 
Rachel -
Brooke - 
Kate -
Emma -
Sam - 
Camille -
Daisy -
Michelle Alice -
Rachel -

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